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Revista Subjetividades

versão impressa ISSN 2359-0769versão On-line ISSN 2359-0777


SOUZA, Leonardo Barros de  e  DANZIATO, Leonardo José Barreira. Of the relations between identification and nomination: the subject and the significant. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.1, pp.53-61. ISSN 2359-0769.

The following article treats the relations between the psychoanalytic concept of identification and the notion of nomination. In order to do it, first we'll deter ourselves in realizing a brief résumé about the impasses and difficulties present as we deal with the theme of the identifications in psychoanalysis. We've visited some of Freud's key-texts and the lacanian literature as well, as means to amplify our discussion and look to establish an articulation between the authors, who aren't used on a distinct way in our work. Some concepts and articulations weave by Lacan, as the imaginary and symbolic identifications, the question of the Name-of-the-Father and the discussions about the proper name are discussed as means to point out the articulation between identification and nomination. Afterwards we lean over the operations of nomination and re-nomination proposed by Soler on the text The names of identity. We ascertain that the nominations are configured as operations of attachment, where a determined significant establishes a type of anchorage to the psychism. We've seen that in its various forms the nominations mark the subject in some way, inscribing them on a determined way on the symbolic. On the same way that identifications are constant and successive, inscribing and re-inscribing it selves, the nomination operations as well - on its multiple facets - present constantly, not only on the affirmation of a baptism name, but in all of the moments we're socially convoked to deal with something, when challenged by the Other and we need to face our desire.

Palavras-chave : psychoanalysis; identification; nomination; subject; significant.

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