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vol.43 número1Wisdom in multicultural counseling: the omitted ingredientEl contexto en la epistemología personal: consideraciones teóricas y exploraciones empíricas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Interamerican Journal of Psychology

versão impressa ISSN 0034-9690


BRANDAO, Lenisa  e  PARENTE, Maria Alice de Mattos Pimenta. Narrative production of older adults: investigating a possible pragmatic change. Interam. j. psychol. [online]. 2009, vol.43, n.1, pp.162-169. ISSN 0034-9690.

This study investigated the possible pragmatic change concerning the narrative production of older adults. Brazilian young and older adults residing in Porto Alegre/BR were instructed to tell personal and fictitious stories. Propositions of their discourse were analyzed in terms of relevance, subjectivity and repetition. Older adults presented a greater proportion of indirectly relevant propositions, expressed more subjective content and repeated more propositions than younger adults. Older adults also demonstrated preference for personal narratives. Evidence supported the pragmatic change hypotheses concerning the discourse production of older adults.

Palavras-chave : Older adults; Pragmatic change; Discourse production; Narrative; Language.

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