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vol.18 número16Conflitos no trânsito: intervenções ou moderações psicopedagógicas podem ajudar no relacionamento dos agentes de operação e fiscalização de trânsito com os motoristas?A interdiscoplinaridade como metodologia de trabalho nas questões de aprendizagem e a construção do conhecimento da escola e da família índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Construção psicopedagógica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-6954versão On-line ISSN 2175-3474


PEREIRA, Débora Silva de Castro. The act of learning and the subject who learns. Constr. psicopedag. [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.16, pp.112-128. ISSN 1415-6954.

We are going to retrain this article of ours to the act of learning and the subject who learns. Through this act, we are calling the attention to the importance of focusing on some considerations on how this act is settled, how the learning process is settled in this act, the theoretical lines that are responsible for the given support, the interference of the intercontrol, the internal and external conditions that can favor or not the learning and the importance of the link between the subject who learns and the learning itself, as well as the own particular way of being that each subject has.

Palavras-chave : Act of learning; Subject who learns; Internal and external factors.

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