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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


FAIZIBAIOFF, Danilo Salles  e  ANTUNEZ, Andrés Eduardo Aguirre. The Minkowski's personal (lived) aspect as the diagnostical and methodological basis of the Phenomenon-Structural Psychopathology. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2015, vol.35, n.88, pp.39-58. ISSN 1415-711X.

Recent changes in the Psychopathology and Mental Health fields have been calling psychologists to focus on the mental disorders diagnostics issue. This paper's objective is to show the Eugène Minkowski's (1885-1972) Phenomeno-structural Psychopathology contribution to the problem. Here, we aimed to explain his conception of the personal (lived) aspect in Psychopathology, by (1) exploring some data of his biography, (2) revealing his main medical and philosophical influences and ruptures and (3) describing two clinical vignettes with schizophrenic patients of his own, in which he uses the personal aspect as a diagnostic tool, going beyond the psychiatric mental functions examination. Literal quotes of the author were here emphasized, since the phenomeno-structural psychopathology prizes the personal semantic of the phenomenology of the language and affections that are proposed. It has been found that the concept of interpenetration diagnostic is the Minkowski's most important methodological ground to the presented problem, as it is his most refined and personal technological product. This conception is useful to all psychologists working with psychiatric patients, especially with the schizophrenic ones

Palavras-chave : Phenomeno-Structural Psychopathology; Affectivity; Lived Time; Schizophrenia.

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