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vol.37 número93A relação mãe-bebê na presença e na ausência de sintoma psicofuncional no bebê: um estudo comparativoContribuições do pensamento de Winnicott para teoria e prática do psicodiagnóstico psicanalítico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


CAETANO, Aurea Afonso Martinez. Who are the Brazilian Jungian therapists, how they work and what they think about their practice. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2017, vol.37, n.93, pp.252-281. ISSN 1415-711X.

This study aimed to perform a research to verify who are the Jungian approach therapists in Brazil, how they work and what they think about their clinical practice. We intend to verify the theoretical foundations considered most important for their clinical care, the therapeutic techniques used and the meaning for the therapist of the work performed. A questionnaire with 19 multiple choice questions was created through a survey application called "SurveyMonkey"®. The questionnaire was sent through an email invitation letter to the participants: psychotherapists of Jungian approach with different types of training, working in Brazil. The sample was made for convenience and we obtained a total of 282 responses. The results showed a significant majority of therapists with training in psychology, female gender, formed more than 30 years ago, concentrated in the states of the southeastern region of the country. Concepts of complex, self and process of individuation appeared as more important; practice and experience as therapists and personal analysis are among the requirements considered most significant. The work with dream interpretation is fundamental, followed by the use of expressive techniques. The significant majority of the therapists surveyed attend adult patients and personal crisis is the main reason for searching for analysis or therapy. The office is the main place to work and there has been the possibility of receiving calls through virtual means such as Skype or Facetime

Palavras-chave : Jung; Jungian; analytical psychology; neurobiology of psychotherapy; psychotherapeutic relationship.

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