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vol.2 número1Ideología y liberación: aspectos psicosocialesÉtica, teoría del sujeto y acción social índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644


AMORIM, Maria Luisa de Aguiar. Educação e modernidade: uma contribuição às discussões sobre o mal-estar. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2002, vol.2, n.1, pp.17-44. ISSN 1518-6148.

This essay intents to bring contributions to the debate about the discontents. We choose as an axis of study the economic, sociological, political and filosofical basis that forged our modern society. And we proceed by grouping our analysis around three stories: The Rosbinson Crusoe mith, the historical figure of Benjamin Franklin and the Fable of the Bees, by Mandeville. On the first one, we can analyse the individualism, the solitude and the abandonment to which we are exposed. We underline the utilitariism and the concept of practical living, supported by an unbreakable spirit, a tireless effort in the face of work, an undomitable resolution and an unbeatable patience. Besides the alegorical work of Ian Watt, used to characterize individuality, we also take Rousseau's and Marx's works, that made it popular, and furthermore, we extend our study to Locke, that identified the basis that legitimized private property and founded political liberalism. In the second one, we see the "self made man", the model of the modern personality. In the works of Weber, we are shown the philosophy of avarice and the ethical and religious reasons behind the creation of the modern capitalist society. And yet, the concept of profession, the importance of experts, the calculist rationalism, the loss of ethical values and the machinization of existence. On the third one we observe how private vices make for public prosperity. There is a price for confort: the creation of wealth has its foundations on the ignorant bliss of thousands of workers that willingly and tirelessly give their hard work. Therefore, we see in Smith the importance of the division of work with education, his concept of a selfish man and his proposals for the education of the bussiness man and of the common folk, both of which are focused on job training. The absense of ideals and the sense of duty for oneself and others leads us to one inevitable conclusion: the tragedy that is the modern ethics; and points our views to the horizon described by Aristoteles as a guide on how to rescue our lost humanity.

Palavras-chave : Individualism; selfishness; solitude; utilitarianism and dehumanization.

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