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vol.10 número3El tiempo libre como heurístico del self: una metodología para el análisis de la complejidad del sujetoA sedução divina no neopentecostalismo: um estudo psicanalítico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


SILVA, Regina Coeli Araujo da  e  FRANCISCO, Ana Lúcia. Cultura, subjetividade e as organizações na contemporaneidade. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2010, vol.10, n.3, pp.735-756. ISSN 1518-6148.

Inserted in a historical/political/social, one aims, in this article, at dealing with conceptual operators, such as culture, subjectivity and organizational microculture and aims at relating them to organization operation dynamics and current ways. Articulation that recognizes them as strength fields that produce the worker´s "way of being" in the enterprises ambience context. We will assume, as a starting point, the concept of culture since we consider it truly central - as a kind of nucleus - for our intended task, showing out sequentially the political and social determinants brief panorama, present in our industrial era. Following up a logical that elects, as a leading path, the political and social instances conjunction repercustions regarding the workers´ way of being, it shows up subjectivity as the social environment and subjects product and, in this perspective, we may realize, perceive meaningful mutations, overall, departing from economy emergent globalization and the informational society advent, i. e. arrival. In order to make a better comprehension about the organizational dynamics, some of its microculture particularities will be approached, according as they engender the worker´s new ways of being. We aim, at last, at reflecting about the possibilities of construction of singularization begetters that are viewed as emancipation sources for workers in front of challenges that are revealed in the corporative world configurations and tendencies. We hope having contributed for a greater understanding about workers´ health, viewed also as a result of this insertion into the world and the meaning he confers to the activities he develops.

Palavras-chave : Culture; Organizational microculture; Organizations; Subjectivity; Worker.

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