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vol.20 número2Condição de saúde materna e desempenho funcional das crianças com síndrome congênita do Zika vírus em creches do Recife, em Pernambuco, Brasil índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento

versão impressa ISSN 1519-0307versão On-line ISSN 1809-4139


ZACCARELLI-MAGALHAES, Julia et al. Neurotoxicidade do nascimento à puberdade em roedores: revisão dos principais agentes tóxicos e suas implicaçõesNeurotoxicity from birth to puberty in rodents: review of the main toxic agents and their implicationsNeurotoxicidad desde el nacimiento a la pubertad en rodantes: una revisión de los principales agentes tóxicos y sus implicaciones. Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.2, pp.10-63. ISSN 1519-0307.

The aim of this review was to present the main parameters used for the assessment of neurotoxicity during the initial period of life of rodents until puberty and to carry out a review of the most current literature on the toxic effects of pesticides, medications, licit and illicit drugs, toxins and environmental agents in rodent offspring. The bibliographic survey was done through the PubMed database; the terms used were postnatal development, toxicity, rodents and physical and reflexological parameters. The filters included were: 1) English language; 2) species: rats and mice; 3) review and original articles; 4) publications between 2000 and 2020. The selected works showed the main parameters of physical development and innate reflexes used for the assessment of neurotoxicity during the initial period of a rodent's life until puberty; these parameters may point out behavioral and neurological changes in adulthood. The eye and vaginal opening were the most cited physical milestones, and the surface righting reflex and negative geotaxis were the most used reflexes. The results showed the different toxic agents capable of altering the development of rodent pups, causing reversible and, in some cases, irreversible damage in these animals. These agents have an economic interest, as they are used as pesticides, medications and legal and illegal drugs, in addition to being toxins and environmental contaminants. Thus, this review contributes to the safe use of these agents during the gestational and lactation period, crucial periods for the correct development of a living being.

Palavras-chave : Developmental toxicology; Pesticides; Medicines; Toxins; Environment contaminant.

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