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Pensando familias

versão impressa ISSN 1679-494X


ELOI, Juliana Fernandes; LIMA, Maria Eliara Gomes  e  SILVA, Angélica Maria de Sousa. Reinsertion of old people at work: study about the old in the movie The Intern. Pensando fam. [online]. 2019, vol.23, n.1, pp.199-212. ISSN 1679-494X.

The objective of this research is to problematize the process of reinsertion of the elderly in the labor market through the screen ethnography of the film The Intern. It is a study with qualitative, descriptive and exploratory design. In order to do so, the screen ethnography of the movie The Intern was used to reach a more intense context. The results presented the following categories: 1) Interactions between the reinsertion of the elderly in the labor market and new technologies, 2) Intergenerational processes and 3) Resilience in old age. It is concluded that the reintegration of the elderly into the labor market is a cultural challenge that encompasses economic perspectives and biopsychosocial aspects of the elderly.

Palavras-chave : Old age; Retirement; Job; Relations between generations.

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