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Ciências & Cognição

versão On-line ISSN 1806-5821


FREITAS, Denise de  e  GALVAO, Cecília. The use of autobiographical narratives in the professional development of teachers. Ciênc. cogn. [online]. 2007, vol.12, pp.219-233. ISSN 1806-5821.

Making use of such means as the autobiographical narrative has led us to put into words our personal and professional life stories and to find a place to the meaning of those paths and our practices as teacher educators. The personal narrative has helped us to notice how we've been developing as professionals. Two questions have become the thread of investigation: 1) What meaningful moments do we identify in our professional life? 2) How do we describe such moments and how do we explain theoretically their influence on our professional development? The construction of the investigation methodology becomes a narrative itself, considering that the data collecting refers to the autobiographical writings about the remarkable paths which have been built by us, researchers, in the intersection of our stories as teachers and teacher/researcher educators, and researches. This analysis brings a new meaning and a new reading on the way we see ourselves, also setting in evidence other emotions and reasons which we hadn't been aware of. © Ciências & Cognição 2007; Vol. 12: ??-??.

Palavras-chave : teachers' narratives; professional development; autobiographical research..

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