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vol.21 número especialEnsino do Criacionismo e da Bíblia nas Escolas Brasileiras: Análise de Proposições Legislativas AtuaisExperiências Familiares de Homens Gays: Cuidado e Proteção como Mecanismos de Manutenção da Heteronormatividade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281


RIBEIRO, Marcelo Afonso; COSTA, Bruno Bones Valdo da  e  GONCALVES, Iramaia de Almeida. Sense of Decent Work among Low-Skilled Youth. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.spe, pp.1374-1394. ISSN 1808-4281.

Decent work is a concept proposed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) based on working contexts from developed nations and on socioeconomic factors. Psychology and the global South countries may contribute to broaden the concept. Thus, grounded in the Consensual Qualitative Research and by means of in-depth interviews, this study sought to understand senses of decent work among 20 low-skilled youths in Brazil from a psychosocial reading based on the Psychology of Working Theory (PWT). Findings showed the sense that participants' working was not a decent work, not structuring life, and it met survival needs, however, prevented self-determination. In a conceptual and political way, study implications pointed out the need to contextualize the concept of decent work, aggregating the idea of different versions of decent work, varying according to different contexts. Moreover, practical implications highlighted the need to reconstruct career guidance and counseling practices and personnel management according to the socio-cultural characteristics of the target audience, aiming at expanding and diversifying them.

Palavras-chave : informal work; working conditions; identity; self-determination; life project.

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