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vol.27 número3O estágio de convivência em casos de adoção: uma compreensão fenomenológicaLições de um xamã Yanomami para a construção de uma identidade pós-antropocêntrica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

versão impressa ISSN 1809-6867


SILVA, Thatiana Caputo Domingues da  e  ALVIM, Mônica Botelho. Gestalt-Therapy and Daniel Stern: dialoguing about the relevance of the corporeity and the affective dimension in psychotherapy. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2021, vol.27, n.3, pp.316-327. ISSN 1809-6867.

This paper discusses the importance of the corporal and implicit dimension of the experience for the theory and practice of Gestalt-Therapy psychotherapy. We believe in a model of clinical practice that leans on this affective dimension. We start with a brief exploration of the notion of self as a process of contact, emphasizing the pre-contact and the id function of the self as the moment of the common dimension of the experience we share with the world and with the other. As we understand it, the id function is predominantly sensory, based on corporeality, being configured as a fundamental support for the experience of the difference and the novelty. From this, we propose a dialogue with Daniel Stern, exploring his concepts of vitality affect and affective attunement to affirm that our communication with the other is established not only by the way of speech, by formal thought, explicit and reflective, but also by an affective and vital dimension. From these notions, we discuss the concept of Gestalt-Therapy's awareness, differentiating it from the notion of reflective consciousness and considering it a kind of "bodily knowledge" and implicit experience, apprehended when relating to otherness. Finally, we conclude that psychotherapeutic work and dialogue constitute a relationship of coaffectation that generates deviations, "dis-centerment", and transformations.

Palavras-chave : Gestalt-Therapy; Corporeity; Id Function; Awareness; Psychotherapy.

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