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vol.15 número1Sustentabilidade afetiva em situações de vulnerabilidade socioambiental: um problema para as cidadesDentro e fora: tecendo reflexões sobre um hospital de custódia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

versão On-line ISSN 1809-8908


ROSA, Karina Rodrigues Matavelli  e  SILVA, Carlos Roberto de Castro e. Affectivity and the politicization of pain in territories of social vulnerability: micropolitics and the production of care. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2020, vol.15, n.1, pp.1-14. ISSN 1809-8908.

This research sought to understand the quality of interpersonal relations that guide the meetings among the subjects that make up the micro-political field of care production to mental health in the territory marked by violence, poverty, and exclusion. The methodological choice from the depth of hermeneutics enabled the reinterpretation of symbolic forms from three perspectives: the reflection of the market society in the organization of health work processes, mental suffering in the light of the ethical-political suffering and the good meetings and the power of action guiding the mental health practices. In this way, the friendship and solidarity stood out as important affections in pain politicization process, the psychological and ethical-political suffering experienced by the subjects in socially vulnerable territories.

Palavras-chave : Matrix support; Mental health; Affectivity; Ethical-political sufferings; Dialectic exclusion [inclusion].

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