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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

versão On-line ISSN 1809-8908


OLIVEIRA, Debora Ortolan Fernandes de; BARCELOS, Tomiris Forner; SIMOES, Cristiane Helena Dias  e  AIELLO-VAISBERG, Tânia Maria José. "Sleeping with the Enemy": Male Chauvinism's Imaginary in COVID-19. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2021, vol.16, n.2, pp.1-16. ISSN 1809-8908.

Substantiated on the concrete psychoanalytic psychology, created in Latin America, based on the articulation between psychoanalysis and dialectical thinking, this study aims to investigate the male chauvinism's collective imaginary about women in a heterosexual conjugal relationships, in the context of the social isolation resulted from the pandemic of the COVID-19, justified by the significant increase in domestic violence occurrences during this period. It is organized around the psychoanalytic approach to heterosexual relationships' memes that enabled the recognition of two affective-emotional meaning fields, or intersubjective unconscious, socially prevailing: "Game over" and "Sleeping with the enemy", which reveal beliefs that marriage takes away men's freedom, depriving them of the sexual pleasures that women, conceived as erotic dolls, provide to singles, to place them under women's authoritarianism. Imaginatively conceived as a maleficent figure, women become targets of an aggressiveness that present, in this imaginary, as justified and legit.

Palavras-chave : Violence against women; COVID-19; Social suffering; Sexism; Psychoanalytic method.

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