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Psicologia em Pesquisa

versão On-line ISSN 1982-1247


RODRIGUES, Isabela Bianco  e  ROSSINI, Joaquim Carlos. Looming cue sounds: effects on alertness and attention orientation. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2020, vol.14, n.3, pp.231-248. ISSN 1982-1247.

Studies suggest a prioritization in the neural processing of looming sounds. A little explored issue is the relationship between this perceptual bias and the orienting and alerting auditory attention networks. The present study investigated the effect of a warning sound on the speed of response to a subsequent target sound (Experiment 1) and a possible influence of this type of cue sound on the auditory orientation of attention (Experiment 2). The results of the two experiments suggest a significant reduction in the reaction time for a subsequent target sound due to the previous presentation (500 ms) of a looming warning sound. There was no significant effect of the cue sound on auditory attention orientation.

Palavras-chave : Auditory Looming; Motion Cues; Attention.

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