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vol.1 número2Sobre a proposta de conhecimento presente na teoria Rogeriana, ou da sabedoria residente na ignorânciaUm diálogo sobre o conceito de self entre a abordagem centrada na pessoa e psicologia narrativa índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


MIRANDA, Carmen Silvia Nunes de. Photography of the use of the diagnosis in the thought of Rogers. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2009, vol.1, n.2, pp.20-32. ISSN 2175-2591.

This article has as objective to describe the development of the diagnostic use on Carl Rogers's thinking. It begins with the exposition of rogerian position about this theme on the first book of Person Centered Approach's founder - "The clinical treatment of the problem child", from 1939 -, where Rogers places the locus of evaluation outside of the client, from the using of diagnostic by the professional. After, on the development of client centered therapy, Rogers judges unnecessary the use of diagnostic on the psychotherapeutic process. In another moment, Rogers radicalizes this position emphasizing the importance of the person to person meeting, by the work made with schizophrenic people and the affirmation of the other's experience as the locus of evaluation of the process. In his fourth and last moment, Rogers not only does not use the psychodiagnostic, but also see it as loosing of time, justifying this position through the understanding of the other's singularity. It's pointed, in the end, ethical and methodological implications of this postion.

Palavras-chave : psycodiagnostic; person centered approach; rogerian thinking.

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