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vol.1 número2Critérios de escolha de parceria amorosa em mulheres climatéricas e menopausadasDe poeta e louco todo mundo tem um pouco - oficina de poesia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista do NUFEN

versão On-line ISSN 2175-2591


COSTA, Max Alecsander  e  PIMENTEL, Adelma. Sex and affection in the dark: experiences of male not-seers. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2009, vol.1, n.2, pp.75-95. ISSN 2175-2591.

This study sought to understand the aspect of male sexuality of not-seers from hearing thetestimonies and compared to those Gestalt concepts of borders and liaison functions. This isan exploratory research based qualitative phenomenological. The informants were five menwho were interviewed using open and semi-directed. The profile was high school studentsstatewide José Alvares de Azevedo, located in Belém and accredited to attend and providepsycho-educational support to people with visual impairments in order congenital andacquired. To analyze the collected material elaborated 10 categories related to the topic ofresearch. Of the ten, seven were analyzed. Among the results, we identified some commonground between these perspectives, what sets the intersubjectivity and with respect to thepeculiarities of each, we observed that the experiences of feelings, desires and emotions arethe elements of differentiation of experience.

Palavras-chave : sexuality; not seers; contact boundary; contact functions.

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