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vol.3 número1Sobre uma definição de comportamentoEfeitos da exposição a instruções correspondentes e discrepantes sobre o comportamento de seguir regras em crianças em idade escolar índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Perspectivas em análise do comportamento

versão On-line ISSN 2177-3548


ROCHA, Juliana Ferreira da; BOLSONI-SILVA, Alessandra Turini; ANA  e  VERDU, Cláudia Moreira Almeida. The use of social skills training in persons with social phobia in behavior therapy. Perspectivas [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.1, pp.38-56. ISSN 2177-3548.

The effects of an intervention in social skills were assessed in four university students with ages between 19 and 31, with social phobia diagnosis. The performance in social skills as well as performance-compatible disorder was assessed before, after the intervention, and follow-up in four months later, by the instruments: SCID-I, Mini-SPIN, QACC-VU and IHS in a multiple baseline design among participants. The intervention programmed twelve weekly meetings in which the researcher discussed socially skilled alternatives to the described difficulties; leaded dialogued theoretical explanations about the theme of the meeting and also performed functional assessments and repertory training of the participants. It was observed deficits such as public speaking, starting and maintaining conversation in the participants' social skills repertory, which are consistent with the criteria for social phobia and the difficulties into the adapting to university. After the intervention, the participants left difficulties in public speaking, performance characteristic compatible with the social phobia diagnosis and they also increased social repertory, although it is still necessary the improvement of other skills, such as expressing positive feeling.

Palavras-chave : Social Phobia; Social Skills; Behavior Analysis; Planned Intervention.

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