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vol.8 número1Relaciones sociales en preescolares considerando cuatro variables: trabajo en grupo; juego; liderazgo y afectoLa actividad situada como estrategia para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas en un grupo de niños de primaria índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea

versão On-line ISSN 2220-9026


LESME, Diana. Prevention agents of self-destructive behaviorschool. Eureka [online]. 2011, vol.8, n.1, pp.48-54. ISSN 2220-9026.

The writing presents an analysis based on the contribution of several authors on the topic of teacher discomfort and its relation to the prevention of self-destructive behaviors in schools. Some comments of teachers registered during school year 2008 were relevated and analyzed. This conduces to the challenge of teaching in the postmodern era, becoming (the teacher) a preventive actor, for himself and for his students. There is also some thought dedicated to the concept of Burn Out, as one of the possible expressions of discomfort. The article concludes with some suggestions to avoid the Burn Out Syndrome in teachers. This will indirectly help to prevent self-destructive behaviors in schools.

Palavras-chave : Teacher Discomfort; Suicide; Risk Factors; Burn Out.

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