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vol.27 número83Comparação do desempenho de estudantes em instrumentos de atenção e funções executivas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


MOUSINHO, Renata; RIBEIRO, Claudia Tavares  e  MARTINS, Gláucia M. M.. Health-education partnership at UFRJ: sharing experiences. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.83, pp.163-170. ISSN 0103-8486.

OBJECTIVE: This paper aims at presenting the gains of the health-education partnership for the school community. METHODS: Quantitative analysis - participants were fifty 6.4 years old children in the 1st grade in 2007, and the same group at the beginning and end of the 2nd grade in 2008. The first evaluation determined the groups of literate and illiterate at school entry. Were investigated in two subsequent speed, comprehension, fluency and reading accuracy. Qualitative analysis: what the impact on students, family and professional staff of the school. RESULTS: While the beginning of the school year the discrepancy between the groups proved to be quite important in all parameters evaluated later in the second year this difference was much minimized, and has even disappeared in some of the skills investigated; the impact in the various categories of the school community was positive. CONCLUSION: In a short period of time, differences between children at the time of admission to the institution were minimized. Considering the multifactorial nature of the issues involved in the teaching-learning process and the challenges posed to education today, the health-education partnership, CAp and UFRJ's graduation in Speech Therapy, is an important issue for learning development and for the production knowledge in the area.

Palavras-chave : Education; Health; Learning; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences.

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