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vol.15 número1A palavra que impulsiona a aprendizagem índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128


BARATTO, Geselda. Genealogy of the concept of transference in Freud's work. Estilos clin. [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.1, pp.228-247. ISSN 1415-7128.

In this article we approach the historical course of building Freud's concept of transference, establishing its genealogy from the work "The Interpretation of Dreams" (Freud, 1900/ 1980), investigating its origin and subsequent development. Originally, the term transference is used in the plural form to describe the updating of the unconscious desire through its transformation, transportationand transcription torepresentative substitutes, designating, usually, the formation of the unconscious. Throughout this article we will weave arguments in order to demonstrate that the transference, as generally described in the work about dreams and later conceived as the motor of the analysis, brings up a unique and equal structure: the updating of the unconscious desire.

Palavras-chave : transference; desire; unconscious; dream.

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