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vol.18 número1Fracasso na implementação de políticas educacionais: sintoma e emergência do sujeitoA função constitutiva do luto na estruturação do desejo índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128


FAIRCHILD, Thomas Massao. Hysteric teachers wanted: on the role of writing in teacher education courses. Estilos clin. [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.1, pp.71-88. ISSN 1415-7128.

We herein develop the thesis that language teachers are losing the ability to establish discoursive ties due to the breakdown of the chain of signifiers that sustains their discourse, caused by the increasing social demands that befall them. We sustain that teacher education courses might be undergoing a similar process. We propose that in order to prevent such fate teachers' education should cause future teachers to enter the Discourse of the Hysteric and, later on, the Master's Discourse. One such movement is illustrated by the analysis of excerpts from successive drafts of a paper written by a Language Arts senior.

Palavras-chave : writing; discourse; teacher education courses.

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