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vol.12 número1-2O surgimento das terapias cognitivo-comportamentais e suas consequências para o desenvolvimento de uma abordagem clínica analítico-comportamental dos eventos privadosUma análise dos relatos sobre estados emocionais e motivacionais na evolução de um caso clínico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Terapia Comportamental e Cognitiva

versão impressa ISSN 1517-5545


SIMONASSI, Lorismário E; TIZO, Marcileyde; GOMES, Ueliton dos Santos  e  ALVARENGA, Lenny Francis Campos de. Context as a determinant of public verbal behavior. Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. [online]. 2010, vol.12, n.1-2, pp.80-91. ISSN 1517-5545.

The present study ascertained how verbal contexts (instructions) and nonverbal contexts (objects) exert control over verbal responses in a total verbal episode. Participants consisted of 10 undergraduate students (19 to 26 years old). Four experimental conditions were employed by using subjects as their own control (withinsubjects design). In the first three conditions, the instruction "Burn this tip now" was given, but in the second and third conditions, nonverbal stimuli were also shown. In the fourth condition, the instruction 'Burn this tip now. Calm down, sir, or I will end up damaging your clothes' was given. For each condition, the participants were required to submit written answers. It was found that manipulated variables such as context controlled the participants' verbal responses in each experimental condition. Explanations of contextual control took into consideration principles of discrimination, generalization and arbitrary conditional relations

Palavras-chave : Verbal and non-verbal contexts; Verbal behavior; Verbal episode.

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