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versão On-line ISSN 2318-9282


FERREIRA, Milene Morais  e  SIM§ES, PatrÝcia Maria Uch?a. Mobility and autonomy in the experience of urban children: an ethnography of the public playground. Desidades [online]. 2021, n.30, pp.85-103. ISSN 2318-9282.

The present study proposed to analyze the forms of appropriation of spaces in a public playground for children, considering the use of the equipment available in this space and the interactions with their peers and their adult companions. For that, we used the ethnographic method. To support this study, we used contributions from the new social studies of childhood. The results show that children perform actions of resistance to the rules of adults regarding the use of spaces and the interactions established; conflict situations between peers are a way to keep playing; in interactions, they give new meaning to the park's spaces, times and equipment. Therefore, this work can contribute to confer more discussions on the urban experiences of children in contemporary cities, pointing out the importance of children's performance and participation in public spaces in the city in a relationship of exchange of experiences between the different generational groups that attend it.

Palavras-chave : children; city; autonomy; mobility.

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