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vol.20 número4Relacionar relaciones como modelo analítico-funcional de la analogía y la metáforaSobre el comportamiento analógico. Comentario al artículo de Ruíz y Luciano: relacionar relaciones como modelo analítico-funcional de la analogía y la metáfora índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Acta Comportamentalia

versão impressa ISSN 0188-8145


TOURINHO, Emmanuel Zagury. Analogies, metaphors and cognitions: comments from Ruiz and Luciano's article. Acta comport. [online]. 2012, vol.20, n.4, pp.32-37. ISSN 0188-8145.

Four topics discussed by Ruiz and Luciano, in their paper on analogies, metaphors and cognitions, are briefly commented on here: the progress represented by research on derived relational responding, to an understanding of human cognition; (b) the relevance of such a program to the future of behavior analysis of complex human behavior; (c) the central role of analogies and metaphors to a behavioral understanding of cognition; and (d) the Relational Frame Theory (RFT) as a model for research and interpretation of cognition in Behavior Analysis. It is argued that topics 1 and 2 summarize the paper's important contributions, and do not depend on the statements found in topics 3 and 4, which are taken as controversial and restrictive of behavioral research on cognition.

Palavras-chave : Cognition; Behavior Analysis; metaphors; Relational Frame Theory.

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