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vol.17 número4Saúde mental na Atenção Primária: (des)encontros entre enfermeiros e pacientes com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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SMAD. Revista eletrônica saúde mental álcool e drogas

versão On-line ISSN 1806-6976


GOMES, Luiz Guilherme Araújo  e  BARSAGLINI, Reni. Dangerous behavior as a device in publications about "criminal minds": an integrative literature review. SMAD, Rev. Eletrônica Saúde Mental Álcool Drog. (Ed. port.) [online]. 2021, vol.17, n.4, pp.92-104. ISSN 1806-6976.

OBJECTIVE: to analyze "hazardousness" as a device through the publications in the fields of Social, Humanities and Health Sciences. METHOD: an integrative review of publications available in reference databases of the PUBMED, MEDLINE, LILACS, SCIELO and BDTD databases, from 2014 to 2017. Thematic analysis was used for data treatment and analysis. RESULT: a total of 43 productions were selected, organized in groups that point out the elements that compose the device, including the intertwining of knowledge, risk, guilt and intervention strategies. CONCLUSION: hazardousness as a device exposes a series of knowledge-power relationships that reproduce over time, but it also allows establishing other intervention strategies for the process of social reintegration of these subjects.

Palavras-chave : Dangerous Behavior; Device; Human Rights; Mental Health; Collective Health.

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