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vol.10 número19Psicologia do Esporte: O Futebol numa perspectiva GestálticaContribuições gestálticas no trabalho com portadores de transtorno mental através da Oficina de Teatro e imagem índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


DE PAULA, Vanessa Miranda Santos  e  DA SILVA, Marcelo Pinheiro. When playing is living creatively:: the meeting between gestalt-therapy and winnicott. IGT rede [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.19, pp.335-350. ISSN 1807-2526.

This paper intend to reflect about the importance of playing to promote the health, since it is a matter rarely discussed in depth in Gestalt Therapy with children, despite being widely used in the context of psychotherapy. It is proposed that the link between the concepts of Winnicott "play" and "creative living" with the concepts of Gestalt "organismic self-regulation" and "creativeadjustment ", seeking to highlight that playing can also be seen as a primary way of establishing contact, crossed by a particular mode of being-in-the-world, supporting the health maintenance. By using examples of previously published cases of children served by a comprehensive care program for hospitalized children - belonging to a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro - is intended to show that the playing itself should be valued in the therapeutic process, going beyond the current paradigm, which focuses primarily as a form of expression and communication of the child.

Palavras-chave : playing; Gestalt-therapy with children; creative living; organismic self-regulation; creative adjustment.

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