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vol.13 número25Um Olhar para o Campo como Lugar Fértil para a Presentificação do Fenômeno: Relato de minha experiência com grupo terapêuticoO processo de luto na abordagem gestáltica: contato e afastamento, destruição e assimilação. índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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IGT na Rede

versão On-line ISSN 1807-2526


BELMINO, Marcus Cézar de Borba. Paul Goodman and the problem of human nature from a Gestalt reading: consequences for the field of politics and anarchist education. IGT rede [online]. 2016, vol.13, n.25, pp.234-252. ISSN 1807-2526.

Paul Goodman was an anarchist, a literary critic, a psychotherapis, member of the initial group that has create Gestalt Therapy and the coauthorof the book Gestalt Therapy, and also one of the cornerstones of the proposals for deschooling. This article covers the discussions about human nature and anthropology of Paul Goodman and its consequences for the field of politics and education. For Goodman human nature is lost due to a repressive social system that prevents the development of creativity, sexuality and interpersonal experience of living in community. Therefore, Goodman points a anarchist, pacifist and decentralist system of political organization and a new proposal for education based on the deinstitutionalization of youth. Therefore, we seek to develop a bibliographic study focusing on Paul Goodman’s work, especially those addressing his political grounds, seeking to comprehend how Goodman understands the human nature problematic and the field of political relations. In conclusion, we point out that Goodman’s discussions, which pointed to the failure of the American system of the last century, are extremely actual, and the rescue of Paul Goodman´s becomes necessary to contribute to the gestaltic reflection on the contemporary

Palavras-chave : Paul Goodman; Anarchy; Human Nature; Education.

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