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vol.21 número2Teletrabalho: contributos e desafios para as organizaçõesO trabalho como determinante da saúde e espaço de desenvolvimento de competências índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho

versão On-line ISSN 1984-6657


ANDRADE, Raíssa Bárbara Nunes Moraes; ZERBINI, Thaís  e  MIURA, Irene Kazumi. Adaptation and evidence of validity of an organizational change instrument in the context of distance education. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.2, pp.1439-1445. ISSN 1984-6657.

The effectiveness of e-learning in teacher education and training is an issue that, although not recent, proves to be a theoretical and practical challenge. Organizational change is related to the effects produced by the training, development and education of people programs that cause changes in the institution's processes, without configuring the fulfillment of organizational objectives. This research aimed to adapt and verify evidence of validity of the organizational change instrument in e-learning. The instrument was applied to 793 graduates of a teacher education course in the state of São Paulo and subsequently underwent descriptive, exploratory, and confirmatory analyses. The results showed evidence of construct validity and good fit of the model, with the instrument having its factor structures proven. The study is relevant due to the scarcity of instruments that measure this variable in the context of e-learning.

Palavras-chave : confirmatory factor analysis; distance education; organizational change.

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