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Perspectivas em análise do comportamento

versão On-line ISSN 2177-3548


GREBOGGY, Fernanda Ban  e  SILVEIRA, Jocelaine Martins da. Therapist's Report about the Self-disclosure Impact. Perspectivas [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.229-242. ISSN 2177-3548.

The present study proposed to investigate about the use of self-disclosure by psychology graduates therapists, being trained at a state university in Paraná, and how they experience this use. The method used was composed by administer a questionnaire to (N=11) training therapists, requesting them to relate if they had a self-disclosure and the effect in therapist-client interaction. To do it, a questionnaire has been created and handed to each participant once a week, for six weeks. The collected data has been categorized and the possible relations between the self-disclosure's use and categories related to the therapists participants comfort level has been tested. So, at 47,6% of the filled protocols, the therapist related a selfdisclosure and that was used aiming patient and relationship's benefits. Also, a 81,25% percentage of satisfaction reports was notice about the self-disclosure. Furthermore, the report of strengthen in therapist-client relationship related with the self-disclosures were also noticed. It has been discussed that the use of self-disclosure by the study participants therapists has a base in literature, as well as the relation between the way the therapist experiences and his perception of the effect on client.

Palavras-chave : self-disclosure; functional analytic psychotherapy; behavior analytic therapy.

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