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vol.64 número1Correlatos e consequências do retraimento social na infância índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1809-5267


CUNHA, Ana Cristina Barros da; SANTOS, Carmelita  e  GONCALVES, Raquel Menezes. Conceptions about motherhood, childbirth and breastfeeding in group of pregnancies. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.64, n.1, pp.139-155. ISSN 1809-5267.

Considering the importance of mother-infant development and infant socio-affective function fulfilled by delivery and through breastfeeding in promoting this relationship, this study aims to investigate perceptions about childbirth and breastfeeding from a group of pregnant women from a state enterprise. Composed of women, pregnant or lactating women, and coordinated by a multidisciplinary team as well as lead to a reflection on the contribution of the psychological practice intervention on this specific area of maternal and child health. The data obtained in this research suggest that, for this group, there is great importance attached to the act of breastfeeding and baby care in the post partum period and the intervention allowed to discuss about the women choices and decisions regarding the process of motherhood.

Palavras-chave : Maternity; Birth; Breastfeeding; Mother-baby dyad.

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