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vol.64 número2Quem estuda a profissão de psicólogo no Brasil?Trabalho e usos da subjetividade índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1809-5267


PRADO, Renata Muniz  e  FLEITH, Denise de Souza. Brazilian researchers: a balance among talent, science and family. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.64, n.2, pp.19-34. ISSN 1809-5267.

This study aimed to identify the individual and family characteristics of Brazilian eminent female researchers, as well as promoting and inhibiting factors to the development of their potential throughout professional trajectory, and the impact of talent in the family dynamics. The research occurred in two stages: 111 researchers participated in the first stage and 8 in the second one. The data was obtained through a socio-demographic questionnaire, documental analysis and a semi-structured interview. The results revealed that dedication of participants to the professional career is superior to personal, family and social areas. The conflicts to strike a balance between career and family life were pointed as a result of gender stereotypes. The impact of talent and professional success of the participants was positive in relation to children, but negative in the marital subsystem.

Palavras-chave : Gender; Science; Family.

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