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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1809-5267


BEZERRA, Tereza Isabel Castelo Branco  e  PINHEIRO, Clara Virgínia de Queiroz. Sexual difference and the disagreement between Butler and Psychoanalysis. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.72, n.1, pp.40-54. ISSN 1809-5267.

This article discusses the resonances of the debate between Butler and the psychoanalysts about sexual difference, taking Rancière's perspective on "disagreement" into account. The proposal is to undertake a history of the present, in order to highlight the context of problematizations about sexual identity, in which the truth regarding the subject is formulated. As a result of this theoretical investigation, it is emphasized that Butler evokes historical discontinuities that cause impasses in the approaches of Psychoanalysis on the World. On the side of this science, a brief literature review demonstrated the importance of the reference to the last Lacan. By subjecting the results to Rancière's perspective, Psychoanalysis is situated in a larger space of concern about the subject and the place assigned to him between science and the World. Still, Butler, through her uneasiness with the legitimation of experience, invests in expanding the intelligible barriers of the universal subject.

Palavras-chave : History of the present; Psychoanalysis; Gender; Butler; Disagreement.

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