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Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1809-5267


SOUZA, Luis Henrique da Silva  e  BERNARDES, Anita Guazzelli. SUS transsexualization process and psychology: ways of governing populations and their negotiations. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.72, n.1, pp.105-124. ISSN 1809-5267.

This paper aims to problematize the practices of Psychology in the field of the Transsexualization Process, in an attempt to understand how those knowledges have emerged and produced ways of existence and practices related to the population within this device. Psychology is one of the areas that have created those knowledges, which both subjectify this population and point out the way it must be ruled. In this path, we could think about how Psychology has occupied the place that pathologizes and reinforces the understanding of abnormality, thus evidencing a population that should be ruled. However, it is also because Psychology has found other knowledges and has even been in contact with other social movements that it has found other paths to de-pathologize and produce practices by understanding different ways of existence and the possibilities of a trans body. paper aims to problematize the practices of Psychology in the field of the Transexualizing Process, in an attempt to understand how those knowledges have emerged and produced ways of existence and practices related to the population within this device. Psychology is one of the areas that have created those knowledges, which both subjectify this population and point out the way it must be ruled. In this path, we could think about how Psychology has occupied the place that pathologizes and reinforces the understanding of abnormality, thus evidencing a population that should be ruled. However, it is also because Psychology has found other knowledges and has even been in contact with other social movements that it has found other paths to de-pathologize and produce practices by understanding different ways of existence and the possibilities of a trans body.

Palavras-chave : Post structuralism; Transsexualization process by SUS; Psychology.

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