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vol.63 número138O teste de Pfister na avaliação de depressão e ansiedade em universitários: evidências preliminaresDepressão e Coping organizacional: evidências de validade para a escala baptista de depressão índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 0006-5943


GOMES, Rosemeire Kuchiniski  e  OLIVEIRA, Vera Barros de. Depression, anxiety and social support in nursing professionals. Bol. psicol [online]. 2013, vol.63, n.138, pp.23-33. ISSN 0006-5943.

This research investigates the correlation between anxiety and depression levels and the perception of social support in 39 nursing professionals. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI); the Perceived Social Support Scale (EPSS) and a socio-demographic-clinical questionnaire were applied. Data indicated anxiety symptoms in 15% and depression in 18% of the participants, an average score of emotional social support perception 2.61 (DP=0.78), and practical support of 2.28 (DP=0.69). A significant positive relation was verified between the scores BAI and BDI, and negative between EPSS and BAI, between EPSS and the total BDI and BDI S1, and between Practical EPSS and the total BDI and BDI S1. Results indicate that the perception of social support has mediating effects in health protection, against possible adverse working conditions of the nursing professional

Palavras-chave : Depression; anxiety; social support; nursing professionals.

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