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vol.35 número55Viver conectado, subjetividade no mundo contemporâneoTempo de excessos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106


GIACOIA JUNIOR, Oswaldo. Modernity and pulsional economy: to a psychophysiology of excess. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.55, pp.103-116. ISSN 0101-3106.

This article aims to clarify Nietzsche's interpretation of the psycho-physiological aspects of the disease, considered from the point of view of an economy of drives, within which the concepts of poverty, famine, excess and overflow are linked to relation of forces, concepts like health, other than weakness and pathology. The attempt is to show that these figures refer less to socio-political-economic views than to mindsets closer to psychology, as Nietzsche understood it, as the road that leads to mankind's fundamental problems.

Palavras-chave : Abundance; Excess; Spontaneity; Action; Health; Integrity; Weakness; Disease; Reaction; Resentment.

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