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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106
RAMOS, Heloisa de Moraes e MALZYNER, Mirian. Duel and dialogue: and God created man. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2016, vol.39, n.62, pp.149-156. ISSN 0101-3106.
This article discusses the vicissitudes of the somato-psychic integration, particularly about gender issues, using as references art, dance and cinema. Pacients whose gender identity and biologic identity do not correspond raise inumerous questions: are we facing a pathology, and if so, what is its nature? Are we talking about perversion? A borderline condition? Narcisism? Or, in another vertex, a differentiated form of expression of human condition, a pathology of the being? The perplexity surrounding these issues lead us psychoanalysts to search for new perspectives.
Palavras-chave : Somato-psychic integration; Gender identity.