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Tempo psicanalitico
versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838versão On-line ISSN 2316-6576
JUNIOR, Auterives Maciel. Creations and becomings in minor philosophies and theaters: theatrical intercessions with Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2022, vol.54, n.2, pp.483-513. ISSN 0101-4838.
This article works on the creations and becomings in minor philosophies and the theaters, through the explanation of such procedures by philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari. This way, when we define the notions of majority, minority, creations, and minor changes in both philosophers, we will show such procedures as minority and we will create the opportunity to read such procedures in the Theater de Carmelo Bene, to investigate, at the end, a possible comparison between such thoughts. When we conclude in a positive way the minority philosophical theater of Deleuze and Guattari, we will create an indispensable resonance that will give emphasis and political originality and ethics to the constructive enterprise of both authors.
Palavras-chave : Creation; minority; minor-change; philosophical-theater.