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vol.35 número65Antígona e a ética da psicanálise: notas sobre o Seminário 7Tratamento psicanalítico do bebê com risco de autismo: Uma clínica ao avesso? índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


OLIVEIRA, Edson Santos de. Nonadas: Guimarães Rosa - Lá nas campinas’s analysis. Reverso [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.65, pp.39-45. ISSN 0102-7395.

Based on Lacan’s notion of letter, the author presents a reading proposition of the tale Lá nas campinas (There in the meadows), a narrative in Guimarães Rosa’s Tutameia. The notion of letter supposes a recognition of language’s impossibility to express the real. Because the letter demands ciphering and deciphering it works as a source of fictional possibility. Elements as silence, sound and voice work as instruments used by Guimarães Rosa to evidence the supremacy of the signifier over the signified. In the lineage of Joyce, Rosa builds a written text not to be read.

Palavras-chave : Letter; Lacan; Signifier; Guimarães Rosa; Tutameia.

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