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vol.18 número1Cuidado à saúde de crianças kaiowá e guarani: notas de observação de campoPráticas educativas: a participação da mãe e da criança na determinação das atividades da rotina diária índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


NOBRE, Maria Inês Rubo de Souza; MONTILHA, Rita de Cássia Ietto  e  TEMPORINI, Edméa Rita. Mothers of children with visual impairment: perceptions, behavior and contribution of group assistance. Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. [online]. 2008, vol.18, n.1, pp.46-52. ISSN 0104-1282.

OBJECTIVE: the study's aims were: 1) to investigate mothers' reactions in relation to the diagnosis of visual impairment; 2) to identify the person who detected the impairment; 3) to verify the child's difficulties in school activities; and 4) to investigate the contribution of therapeutic activities addressed to the group of mothers. METHODS: A descriptive survey was carried out with mothers of children with visual impairment, assisted in the children's program of CEPRE - FCM - Unicamp (State University of São Paulo). The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire applied by means of an interview. A non-probabilistic sample was composed, constituted by 14 mothers. RESULTS: The main feelings mentioned by the mothers in relation to the diagnosis were: sadness (71.0%), fear (64.0%) and disappointment (42.0%). The visual problem was noticed by mothers in 53.0% of the cases, by pediatricians in 26.0% of the cases and by relatives in 21.0% of the cases. Concerning the child's difficulties at school the mothers mentioned: fear that they are not able to meet the school's demands (75.0%) and discrimination due to deficiency (63.0%). Most of the mothers (78.0%) believe that the group's activities contribute to clarify their doubts, and that the therapeutic activities helped them learn how to deal with their children's difficulties (78.0%). CONCLUSIONS: The feelings of sadness, fear and disappointment were the most evident. Visual impairment was first noticed by the mother. In the mothers' opinion, the children would have difficulties in school's activities, and the group contributed to clarify doubts and to favor the interchange of experiences.

Palavras-chave : Visual impairment; occupational therapy; mothers; blindness; rehabilitation.

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