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 número32Pares socionormativos e condutas desviantes: testagem de um modelo teórico índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0104-6578


FERREIRA, Ricardo Franklin  e  KITSUWA, Mário. "Do you know who you are talking to?": A study of hierarchy and power. Barbaroi [online]. 2010, n.32, pp.7-27. ISSN 0104-6578.

The Media noticed a judicial decision witch obliged employees from a condominium to treat as Doctor or Mister a Judge that resides there. Based on this case, the present article aims to analyse how is exercised the power within a hierarchy based society, such as the Brazilian. Through documental research, were collected some documents issued by the Judge/Petitioner, as the petition itself and the appeal, as well as the decisions proffered by the Judicial System. The analyses points that each one of the parts used strategies to fulfill their interests, suggesting that power is not exclusive for some social class, but a resource distributed within the whole society. It was also evidenced that there is still a predominance of hierarchy based logic in all the claims. Multiple factors seem to contribute for this way of thinking, bringing implications for the democracy building

Palavras-chave : power; hierarchy; domination relationships; Social Psychology.

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