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 número32O uso da terapia cognitivo-comportamental no tratamento do transtorno depressivo: uma abordagem em grupoRazão e natureza: a cumplicidade entre as éticas de kant e sade, segundo lacan índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0104-6578


LEME, Alessandro André. Neoliberalism, globalization and state of the reforms: reflections concerning the thematic one. Barbaroi [online]. 2010, n.32, pp.114-138. ISSN 0104-6578.

The analysis and understanding of the Neoliberalism and Globalization as a worldwide processes, which influences and results had been felt through out the whole world, have been presented to us as a standard global process and political - economic direction at the same time. It has also been outstanding the differences between countries of North and South, related to cultural, economic, politics and social issues. In this way, the search for the understanding of the Neoliberalism and Globalization goes beyond the capacity of define them. It also goes beyond the identification of its different (unequal) and combined manifestation between different countries of the world. The duality between standard global processes and its differences is very well elucidated when we study (verify, check) how the supra (supply) process were incorporated. The supra (suply) process brought up several consequences and it was implemented a set of orientations and economic policies for Latin America and Brazil in particular

Palavras-chave : Globalization; Neoliberalism; Economy Politics; State of the Reform; Welfore State; Consensus of Washington.

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