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Revista da SBPH

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0858


CHERIX, Kátia. Body and aging: a psychoanalytical view. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2015, vol.18, n.1, pp.39-51. ISSN 1516-0858.

This article wants to explore the subject of the body and the aging process through a psychoanalytical view. The body that becomes psyche, sexual body and possibility to act over the world while you are young, with the aging process can become strange and restraining. In front of this experience, we can find it hard to identify with the image that we see in the mirror. This new image points to the physical decline, impotence and dependency of others. The aging process is a time for mourning and dealing with losses finding new ways for satisfaction. Through this process, the body claims the psyche to deal again with the castration complex and search a new way to be in the world. We concluded that aging is a subjective and unique process, full of the disquietude that appears in the meeting of the external reality with the psychic reality. This process requires a significant subjective repositioning that can only be done if deep intrapsychic changes happen and find support in the eyes of the other.

Palavras-chave : body; aging; psychoanalysis.

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