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Revista da SBPH

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0858


AGUIAR, Helena Carneiro  e  BODANESE, Paloma Louzada. Psychological care during prenatal attendance: abortion threaten and long-term hospitalization. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2019, vol.22, n.spe, pp.116-132. ISSN 1516-0858.

The present study intends to demonstrate the importance of psychological counseling during long-term hospitalization due to high-risk pregnancy. Pregnancy is a period of intense physical and psychological transformation to women. We will address a case study of a patient with istmocervical incompetence (IIC), who remained hospitalized for 90 days in a semi-intensive unit of a private maternity hospital. Since the diagnosis of high-risk pregnancy, it was necessary for the pregnant woman to remain hospitalized, in absolute rest, in order to avoid a late abortion or a premature birth. In an articulation of Winnicott's concepts with contemporary authors, we will discuss the fear of losing the baby, distress, denial of reality and impotence that were present throughout the whole hospitalization period. The caring for the pregnant woman by the psychology service assistance is fundamental, so that, through a space of therapeutic talk, she can express her feelings and elaborate them.

Palavras-chave : high-risk pregnancy; long-term hospitalization; counseling.

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