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Revista da SBPH

versão impressa ISSN 1516-0858


CAMBRAIA, Maria Izabel de Albuquerque  e  NAZIMA, Maira Tiyomi Sacata Tongu. Assessment of symptoms of depression in people with visual impairment. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2021, vol.24, n.1, pp.79-90. ISSN 1516-0858.

Visual impairment causes biopsychosocial changes and favors the development of depressive symptoms. This study evaluated the occurrence of depression symptoms in blindness and its determinants, and used: semi-structured interview; Beck's depression inventory; visual acuity test. The sample evaluated 68 people, mostly male (60.3%), aged over 50 years (33.8%), single (57.3%), postgraduate education (44.1%) and family income between 1-3 minimum wages (36.7%). Higher index of the sample was blinded between 10-20 years (26.5%), time of blindness between 01 month-10 years (29.4%), without perception of light in both eyes (53%), good ability to move (42.6%) and displacement with the aid of a guide (75%). Depression symptoms observed in 39.7% of the sample. The determinants for depressive symptoms were: female gender; advanced age; less education; family income 1-3 minimum wages; older age of onset of blindness; shorter duration of blindness; absence of light in both eyes and displacement performed with the aid of a guide. Results indicated a significant association between blindness and depressive symptoms and, as some determinants for this symptom cannot be controlled, it is recommended to act in promoting mental health to improve the quality of life of this population.

Palavras-chave : visual impairment; blindness; depression; assessment.

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