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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644
PEYON, Eduardo Rodrigues e RUDGE, Ana Maria. A poética dos neurônios em Freud. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2007, vol.7, n.2, pp.501-526. ISSN 1518-6148.
In his article "Freud and the Scene of Writing", Derrida (1967) values the Freudian 'Bahnung' (facilitation) as a concept that fosters a rupture with classic metaphysics. According to Derrida, Freud, when he affirms that memory and, consequently, the psychic, are fruits of differences between these facilitations in psychic apparatus, does not establish a pure and full origin of the psychic. Derrida affirms also that Freud tried, in his "Project", to give account of psychic invoking the principle of difference. Thus, the origin would be 'différance', which neither is a concept, nor an essence, nor the translation of some transcendental meaning. So, the psychic does not have a definitive origin that can be fully determined, but it has an origin that is already the transcription of those differences between the facilitations, which meaning is always re-constituted as a deferred action ('Nachträglichkeit'). Finally, it is with the metaphor of magical block ('Wunderblock') that Freud takes writing more precisely as a model. In the present article, we aim to articulate this Derridarian interpretation of Freud with poetry. Poetry is understood, here, as a creation in face of ignorance or strangeness, that 'différance', in each time, makes emerge. Poetry would be, therefore, an unfolding of 'différance', following the ways opened by the first facilitations in neurons. Creation always remits to its origin, thus, precluding the establishment of any absolute opposition between the origin and the originated, and, also, of a plain present, in any time: past, present or future.
Palavras-chave : facilitation (Bahnung); deferred action (Nachträglichkeit); memory; différance; poetry; writing-pad.