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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


PAZ, Juan Francisco López. The aging process, especially in older people, propelled by values associated with the meeting of generations. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.1, pp.13-38. ISSN 1518-6148.

The modern idea generation that understood as a collective of individuals who make history, has become obsolete. That conception, which meant the generation as "age group" as an entity constituted by a set of individuals who have lived in the same time a crucial and unique historical experience, getting her own moral compass and sense of sharing a common destiny, is no longer able to explain the social dynamics and complexity of the relationships between people, groups and cultures (Katz, 1996; Bedmar and Montero, 2003). During the stage of aging, the development of leisure activities is particularly important, creating physical and mental wellbeing, and is closely related to rates of life satisfaction (Giro, 2009). The time pattern, let alone the biological variable is not sufficient to characterize what is and what a generation ago: first, the generations are involved or social relationships established between individuals, groups, cultures. Second, social relations can only be understood through that last time: relationships have their own time and records. Thirdly, the generations are becoming more distinct from and in the public sphere, are defined by their conduct, their actions, their thoughts, feelings and perceptions, both inside and outside the family. Fourth, if the appeal to biology to identify a generational approach to characterize what is already insufficient, it must be done to combine social with age. Finally, the lack of intergenerational contact as the root cause that can explain the negative image society has of the elderly, it is appropriate to emphasize the pedagogical importance of the concept of intergenerational education (Sáez, 2001; Novaly et al. 2005; Bernad, 2008).

Palavras-chave : Life-span; Aging; Intergenerationality; Values; Adaptationz.

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