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vol.11 número2A saúde de docentes de pós-graduação em universidades públicas: os danos causados pelas imposições do processo avaliativoA geração criada por mulheres: o pai e o masculino no Clube da Luta índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148


MATOS, Natália Galdiano Vieira de  e  NEVES, Anamaria Silva. CAPS-Capoeira: a mode of intervention in CAPS-ad. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.2, pp.817-841. ISSN 1518-6148.

This work deals with my experiences as a researcher and an Angola Capoeira workshop leader at a unity of CAPS-ad. Going from workshop leader position to the psychologist one, I sought both to understand the dynamics of people who use CAPS- ad services and to name the meanings produced by the meeting between psychoanalysis and Angola Capoeira in the operative groups formed by CAPS-ad users, which was the general aim of the work. In such a scenario, CAPS-ad, many users of CAPS-ad's services were absorbed in drugs, but others who grew interested in the workshops and in their own problems. The proposed was to understand the dynamics observed in the group of addicts and sought to cause uneasiness as much as I could. To do so, strengthened the links among psychoanalysis, Angola Capoeira and the operatives groups, which made possible a greater approaching to the human psyche and its singularities, the recognition of the human potential to be creative and to change reality, and the understanding that personal and collective experiences could be re- signified in these groups. Eleven meetings took place, following the proposal of articulating the operative groups with Angola Capoeira resources such as music, narrative, and movement. Combining apsychoanalytical work with an interpretative view - my own - has made possible to understand toxicomania in theoretical terms. The conclusion points out complex of trouble drug and a possible movement caused in group for Angola Capoeira, ancients' art marked with resistant in contemporary society.

Palavras-chave : Capoeira Angola; psychoanalysis; operative groups; drug addiction; contemporary society.

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