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vol.7 número1Desempeño cognitivo de mujeres universitarias a lo largo del ciclo menstrualEl proceso de admisión como predictor del rendimiento académico en la educación superior índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Universitas Psychologica

versão impressa ISSN 1657-9267


HERRERA, Verloisse  e  GUARINO, Leticia. Emotional sensitivity, stress and percived health in Venezuelan marines. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2008, vol.7, n.1, pp.185-198. ISSN 1657-9267.

The present study explored the possible relationship among stress, emotional sensitivity, coping and perceived health in cadets from the Navy Academy of Venezuela. Participants were 130 cadets (31 females and 99 males) evaluated on their level of stress, coping styles and emotional sensitivity, with the aim at determining the relationship between these variables and their perceived heatlh. Results support previous findings regarding the positive association between stress and the deterioration of the perceived health in cadets. Liwewise, significant relationships were found between negative egocentric sensitivity and the dimensions of stress, suggesting that people with this individual characteristic perceive more stressful situations and with more intensity. Finally, results indicate that those cadets who use less adaptive coping styles show a higher deterioration of their health.

Palavras-chave : Personality; Stress; Health; Marines; Personality; Stress (psychology); Sailors psychological aspects.

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