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vol.7 número2Tradução e validação portuguesa do revised life orientation test (LOT-R)Adaptação e utilização de uma medida de avaliação da rede de apoio social - diagrama da escolta - para idosos brasileiros índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Universitas Psychologica

versão impressa ISSN 1657-9267


REY-ANACONA, César Armando; MEJIA, Diana Carolina  e  MONTOYA, Carlos Eduardo. Reliability and validity of a brief self-report questionnaire for the diagnosis of social phobia. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2008, vol.7, n.2, pp.477-491. ISSN 1657-9267.

This investigation evaluated the reliability and validity of a brief self report questionnaire for the social phobia diagnosis (BSQ-SP), based upon the diagnostic criteria of the American Psychiatric Association (2002), with an intentional sample of 532 students of four private and one public universities of Bogotá (Colombia), aged 15 to 42 (average of 21.1 years) and coming from every socioeconomic strata. The reliability of the instrument was evaluated through of test-retest technique, with regards to content and construct validity. The statistical analysis of reliability carried out with 250 comparisons (Spearman) shows a highly significant positive correlation among the test-retest scores, while the analyses of the construct validity (Squared Chi, Tau-b of Kendall and Spearman) showed highly significant positive correlations between the diagnosis of social phobia and the scores considered high in the three mentioned instruments.

Palavras-chave : Social phobia; Diagnosis; Self report; DSM IV TR; Self report; Phobic disorders-diagnosis; Reproducibility of results.

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